Ozone Layer hysteria was greater than Global Warming hysteria until 1988

Once upon a time there was a hole in the ozone layer. Newspapers said it was getting bigger and the ozone layer could be stripped away and would no longer protect us from the suns radiation and life on earth was all in peril. Then the media stopped talking about it and they all lived happily ever after. The end.

However, the hole in the ozone layer was not actually a real crisis, rather was a manufactured one. The 'problem' got fixed without anybody doing anything. Or perhaps it's not fixed and we didn't die and who cares any more?

Gooogle Ngram Viewer - search books for word frequencies, You can reproduce this graph yourself there.

"The patent on Freon (R12) had run out. We got paid to extract all the R12 and build all the equipment to extract it all and replace it with R134a, make all the R134a and make all trhe equipment to convert to R134 all to the taxpayers expense. R134a is "only 98% as harmful to the ozone layer". (Pers. Comms., Anon DuPont Exec VP, recently retired in 1995)

You could always look up what happened in Google:

That's right, the thing that was killing us is getting better but now it's killing us?

Fuck off it is. There's no evidence either has a man made signature, this is as crazy as the local soothsayer proclaiming during an eclipse the gods are angry and casting a great darkness over the kingdom. It's dark, that's all you know.

Notice the phrasing: it's not "evidence suggests global warming makes fixed the ozone layer problem" but "IS global warming closing the ozone layer hole" which is about as factual as "IS your wife having an affair? Hmm, is she? WELL? She could be. Oh yeah. Think about it" as this is not a series of fact presented to inform and let the reader decide, this is a conclusion, albeit implied offered without evidence.
