21st June 2010 10:39 GMT; Antarctic glacier melt maybe 'not due to climate change'.
Turns out the Greenland ice sheet does this every 150 years
"Ice cores from Summit show that melting events of this type occur about once every 150 years on average. With the last one happening in 1889, this event is right on time," says Lora Koenig, a Goddard glaciologist and a member of the research team analyzing the satellite data."
It was abnormally cold recently and ice grew
New data arises on growth in glaciers in Denmark and Greenland and the rapid growth in glacier size after the 1940s.
"In the early 1920s and 1930s, temperatures were high, similar to that of the present, and this affected the glacial melt. At the time many glaciers underwent a melt similar or even higher than what we have seen in the last ten years. When it became colder again in the 1950s and 1960s, glaciers actually started growing," says Dr. Kurt H. Kjær "
Widespread retreat of glaciers has been observed along the southeastern margin of Greenland. This retreat has been
associated with increased air and ocean temperatures. However, most observations are from the satellite era; presatellite
observations of Greenlandic glaciers are rare. Here we present a unique record that documents the frontal positions for
132 southeast Greenlandic glaciers from rediscovered historical aerial imagery beginning in the early 1930s. We combine
the historical aerial images with both early and modern satellite imagery to extract frontal variations of marine- and
land-terminating outlet glaciers, as well as local glaciers and ice caps, over the past 80 years. The images reveal a regional
response to external forcing regardless of glacier type, terminal environment and size. Furthermore, the recent retreat was
matched in its vigour during a period of warming in the 1930s with comparable increases in air temperature. We show that
many land-terminating glaciers underwent a more rapid retreat in the 1930s than in the 2000s, whereas marine-terminating
glaciers retreated more rapidly during the recent warming.
"Results showed that the sea ice extent has been far from stable throughout the last 10,000 years.
Read the scientists' newly published paper in Nature: GeoScience.
The link above is to a newspaper article about this paper in Nature. The Danish and Greenland government had been squabbling over a border for decades and took photographs every day of the area; recently these very good photos of the glacial coastline growing post 1940 were found and analyzed.
"The winter of 1962–1963, known as the Big Freeze of 1963, was one of the coldest winters (defined as the months of December, January and February) on record in the United Kingdom.[2] Temperatures plummeted and lakes and rivers began to freeze over.
In the Central England Temperature (CET) record extending back to 1659, only the winters of 1683–1684 and 1739–1740 were colder than 1962–1963. The winter of 1962–1963 remains the coldest since at least 1895 in all meteorological districts of the United Kingdom, although in north Scotland the winter of 2009–2010 was equally cold." - Wikipedia
It's not supposed to be there today.
September 19, 2013 by Dennis Avery
Churchville, VA—The naive advice of ardent activists can kill.
Last spring, Paul Beckwith of Sierra Club Canada predicted that the Arctic seas would be ice-free ice this summer. This exciting adventure opportunity attracted a variety of yachts, sailboats, rowboats, and kayaks owners to try sailing the fabled Northwest Passage.
The Arctic sea ice suddenly expanded 60% this fall, after the coldest summer in the modern Alaska temperature record. The passage is now impassable. More than a dozen of the boats are trapped, apparently even including a group of tiny American jet-ski “personal watercraft” that were attempting to cross from the east coast of Russia to the North Atlantic. Arctic observers are now warning that even Canadian icebreakers might not be able to rescue them.
On Sept. 19, 2014, the five-day average of Antarctic sea ice extent exceeded 20 million square kilometers for the first time since 1979, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. The red line shows the average maximum extent from 1979-2014.
Image Credit: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio/Cindy Starr
Hubbard Glacier defies climate change, continues advancing
Jun 13, 2015 - Hubbard Glacier could permanently dam the entrance to Russell Fjord within 25 years
Stearns says the Hubbard Glacier is unusual because it has been steadily advancing for more than 100 years despite warmer temperatures. The glacier is accumulating mass near its origin faster than it's losing it in the ocean.
The newest government marine navigation maps show more Arctic sea ice than its predecessor, despite warnings about global warming accelerating the loss of sea ice.
Canadian government maps of the arctic show increased ice.
The blue stuff is ice.
2015 Antarctic maximum sea ice extent breaks streak of record highs
“After three record high extent years, this year marks a return toward normalcy for Antarctic sea ice,” said Walt Meier, a sea ice scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
"Scientists believe this year’s strong El Niño event, a natural phenomenon that warms the surface waters of the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, had an impact on the behavior of the sea ice cover around Antarctica."
Oct. 30, 2015
NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses
"sea ice hit a record low in 2012"
If a 2017 article says it hit a "record low" in 2012 then it was not lower in 2017, was it? 2017 would have been the record low year if it was.
This, ice grew from 2012 to 2017 at the very least.
Canada doubles Icebreaker fleet
Presently there four. Three more were added to the fleet.
"The release says the vessel, one of three bought from Norway last August, will provide essential Coast Guard services by keeping people safe at sea, preventing ice jams and maintaining shipping routes."
Key Greenland glacier growing again after shrinking for years, NASA study shows
“That was kind of a surprise."
Interruption of two decades of Jakobshavn Isbrae acceleration and thinning as regional ocean cools
Kazendar et al 2019
"Jakobshavn Isbrae has been the single largest source of mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet over the last 20 years. During that time, it has been retreating, accelerating and thinning. Here we use airborne altimetry and satellite imagery to show that since 2016 Jakobshavn has been re-advancing, slowing and thickening. We link these changes to concurrent cooling of ocean waters in Disko Bay that spill over into Ilulissat Icefjord. Ocean temperatures in the bay’s upper 250 m have cooled to levels not seen since the mid 1980s. "
The signs at Glacier National Park warning that its signature glaciers would be gone by 2020 are being changed.
The most prominent placards, at St. Mary Visitor Center, were changed last year. Kurzmen says that park is still waiting for budget authorization to update signs at two other locations.
Montana park is replacing signs that predicted its glaciers would be gone by 2020
Published Thursday, January 9, 2020 7:14AM EST
The U.S. Geological Survey Told the park that the complete melting off of the glaciers was no longer expected.
Chukchi Sea ice that didn’t melt this summer is now 2+m thick between Wrangel Island and the shore
Dr. Susan Crockford
Thick multiyear ice between Wrangel Island and the shore is now more than 2m thick, potentially impacting fall feeding for bears that routinely summer on Wrangel or the north coast of Chukotka.
Rapidly-forming sea ice in the Laptev and East Siberian Seas this fall – generated by cold winds from Siberia in late October despite warmer than ususal temperatures earlier in the month – has trapped a number of Russian ships that are being rescued by ice-breakers (below), according to a report in the Barents Observer earlier this week.
Greenland’s 2021 spring: more snow, less melt
Surface melt and total melt-day area for the Greenland Ice Sheet at the end of the 2021 spring season was below the 1981 to 2010 average. Snowfall and rain (minus runoff) added mass to the ice sheet. As of June 20, total mass gain for the ice sheet since September 2020 was slightly above average
South Pole posts most severe cold season on record
The average temperature at the AmundsenScott South Pole Station between April and September, a frigid minus-78 degrees (minus-61 Celsius), was the coldest on record, dating back to 1957. This was 4.5 degrees lower than the most recent 30-year average at this remote station, which is operated by United States Antarctic Program and administered by the National Science Foundation.
Quirin Schiermeier 02 September 2013
Industrial revolution kicked off Alpine glacier retreat fifty years before warming began.
New Perspectives on the Enigma of Expanding Antarctic Sea Ice
Recent research offers new insights on Antarctic sea ice, which, despite global warming, has increased in overall extent over the past 40 years.
By Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, Ian Eisenman, Sally Zhang, Shantong Sun and Aaron Donohoe -
11 February 2022
In the 1970s "climatologists" predicted an impending ice age (incorrect) based on the (correct) observation the world was cooling.
I guess that's the opposite of sea rise
NASA page on sea "rise". It fell for the past couple of years.
Arctic sea ice grew between 2012 and 2014.