The New Zealand government issued in 2012 a report on the marine environment that is 2/3 good and 1/3 laughable.

Here is the document:

The words "warm" and "warming" don't occur in tis PDF.

"An unprecedented marine heatwave occurred in the Tasman Sea and near the Chatham Islands from November 2017 to February 2018 during our hottest summer on record."

1998 was hotter. 1936 was hotter than that.

This paper rightly lists pollution as the major threat, marine activities as a secondary threat and has "climate" in three to keep the Americans (who made this myth up) happy, presumably.

For comparison look at the Australia $63 billion study to remediate the GBR. It doesn't mention "climate" "warming" or "CO2" just pollution. (July 2016) (May 2016)

Compare this with Cuba.
From the PDF. "Carbon dioxide" only occurs once in the entire PDF:

"Long-term measurements off the Otago coast show an increase of 7.1 percent in ocean acidity in the past 20 years. Oceans will continue to become more acidic as more carbon dioxide is absorbed."

1) All coral reefs there evolved when CO2 was 7000 ppm.

2) You need to add CO2 to an aquarium to keep coral at home

3) Reefs near land are adicifiec ny pollution. No such problem exists in open ocean reefs. Thisis misleading.

"With each location they found that the seawater became increasingly more acidic as they moved toward land."