.aero - air transportion; restricted
.arpa - reserved by the Internet Architecture Board; restricted
.asia - Asia-Pacific region; restricted
.biz - business and commerical use
.cat - Catalan language and culture; restricted
.com - commerical, personal, or any use;
.coop - cooperatives; restricted to Co-Op organizations
.edu - post-secondary educational institutions; United States only; restricted
.gov - United States government orgs at the federal, state, and local levels; restricted
.info - informational use
.int - international organizations established by treaty; restricted
.jobs - employment-related; restricted
.mil - US military; restricted
.mobi - mobile device based; restricted
.museum - museums; restricted
.name - individuals;
.net - originally for network infrastructures; today unrestricted
.org - originally for organizations; today unrestricted
.pro - professions; restricted
.tel - services between telecom and the Internet; restricted
.travel - travel agencies, airlines, hotels, tourism bureaus; restricted
.COM market dominance, 1998-2009
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Sources: InterNIC, IANA, Hobbs Internet Timeline, ZookNIC.