John McCain answers the call of AT&T in net.neutrality issue

If McCain is really concerned the government is taking over the internet he should dismantle the ICANN his client AT&T spent so long and so many millions on, mostly in secret, in their clandestine "steaks for (gov) staffers" programme.

If you look carefully, the "the government is taking over the internet!" came from AT&T. Now McCain is saying it in public too. And Fox news is saying "Obama is taking over the Internet" and one "blogger" said this erosion of freedom will cause the end of the USA.

AT&T seems to have called in a favor. Few poeple understand the net less than John McCain and only a fool would take advice for net.policy from somebody this undereducated and unfamiliar with the way our network interoperates.

And what is this crap about legislation affecting Telcos ability to innovate? Excuse me? Telcos didn't build the net or innovate, they were usually standing in the way with their hands out, eventually doing things so bad congress felt obliged to do something about the overwhelming public outcry of problems with Telcos.

Richard Sexton, Oct 09