Funny you mention that, my neighbor is an EMT and he's very very good and works very hard and got diabetes and almost went blind in 12 years because of the poor diet. And that's what's wrong with the paper this article is about, but nobody there apparently knew enough to point this out: there's a fatal flaw in this study. They have not ruled out whether this could be bad diet. There are no controls, all these studies are like that and they do know better, this is to sell pils not make people healthy. That's as easy as saying "stop eating at 7-11", ffs. Our modern diet is crap enough without degrading it to the point where we call it "junk" food. It's called that because if you eat garbage out of an alley trash can such as potato peels, apple cores and scrap of cooked meat and fat they supply 10X the nutrition that twinkies and chips and a cup of Timmies hot orange cake mix beverage will. It's that bad. So, what happens is the chemicals that the brain needs to control rage and make rational decisions don't get made or get made in such insufficient quantities that it doesn't matter and hello police shootings and medical mistakes. And look at the stats on those: A) the medical industry is the third leading cause of death in the US [1]behind heart disease and cancer (which science tells us could be nearly eliminated with proper nutrition nobody likes telling you to eat leafy greens but you won't do it) and B) more people die from police shootings that terrorists yet evening is spent on "fighting the war on terror" while the war between police and the citizenry is scarcely recognised. So the first three causes of death are bad diet, bad diet and bad diet., and these geniuses think because the class of people who work when food stores are nearly all closed and have to rely in junk food that they'all all ill because its dark out? The stupid, it burnzzz. These are the same bad scientists that cut off a frogs legs, make a loud noise and conclude the frog is deaf when it won't jump. We owe these guys a lot. They're why and how we have civilization and we've invested heavily in them and depend on them and we need hir rain to work properly. And we all know, this is sometimes in doubt. We've all seen that one angry guy with a look in his eyes, a back glassy stare and you wonder just what the hell drug he's on. He's not, it's just bad brain chemicals. His brain is trying hard but it can not make the neurotransmitters it needs because it lacks the raw materials. They're not really in twinkies and this is not some nutbag opinion off a blog, it's well understood since, very real, documented eight ways from sunday and was looked at by the supreme court of California and it commonly known as the "Twinkie defence" - if you eat enough junk food the chemistry of your brain changes and you test out as insane. The rate of mental disease caused by this type of chemical imbalance is a bit over one per cent. The amount caused by bad diet is estimated to be between 13 and 23%. See: If you want to fix the "shiftwork" problem and as a side effect correct the American Shooting spree problem than fix the diet. You can verify this by taking serum levels of the important B vitamins associated with mental function. You'll find they're low in those person with those black glassy "crazy eyes" as they're known. But what needs to happen is we add a zero to the amount of these anti-crazy vitamins we put back into break. 40mg not 4mg per slice of bread and you're 75% of the way there. That's the easy part the rest is a little harder but you can't even get there until you address the source of the problem. None of this is new, it's old knowledge in biochemistry circles, but it's not part of medical training, that's mostly the mechanics of acute care like surgery and first aid. The last great advance that industry made was antibiotics in the 1930s and there has been no progress since then. It is no longer possible to ignore the biochemistry of disease and pretend the "biochemistry is unknown". It really isn't. and a lot of people know this now. [1] " iatrogenic illness constitutes the third-leading cause of death in the United States; after heart disease and cancer.[2]" 2:: a b c d Starfield B (July 2000). "Is US health really the best in the world?" (PDF). JAMA 284 (4): 483–5. doi:10.1001/jama.284.4.483. PMID 10904513.