How many die a year from medical errors? What is the nature of those errors?
A look at both sides of the argument
When you point out that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US you can expect some feedback from the medical industry. If medical errors are not the third leading cause of death in the US, then where does it rank? Fourth? Fifth? Tenth?
Academics and Doctors claim medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US, while the medical industry disagrees yet offers no ranking as to how serious the problem is. This collection of articles examines both sides of the argument.
The United States Center for Disease Control in 2017[1] lists "heart" as the leading cause of death and "cancer" as rhe second leading cause of death and does not even recognize death my medical error exists. Can their numbers be trusted at all? We know their figures for "flu and pneumonia" are greatly exaggerated and up to 10X too high because these figures are "estimates" and not represent lab confirmed cases.[2].