Screenshot of Apple's mapping data showing a resurgence in traffic

Apple Data Shows Shelter-In-Place Is Ending, Whether Governments Want It To Or Not

Apple’s Mobility Trends report shows that traffic in the US and other countries like Germany has pretty much doubled in the past three weeks. It had been down up to 72%. And location data provider Foursquare says that gas and fast food visits are back to pre-COVID-19 levels in the American Midwest.

COVID-19: Dog tests positive for coronavirus in the U.S. for the first time

A family dog in North Carolina has tested positive for the coronavirus, making it possibly the first confirmed North American canine infection by the virus responsible for COVID-19.

The dog, a pug named Winston, was tested as part of a Duke University research project that studies how coronavirus spreads in households. Study researchers had the test results for weeks but only released the information a few days ago.

open: Apple Data Shows Shelter-In-Place Is Ending, Whether Governments Want It To Or Not

dog: COVID-19: Dog tests positive for coronavirus in the U.S. for the first time