We know that when you inject live viruses in people, in a certain percentage of those people that virus will live for the rest of their life in their body. And they did a study on elderly people looking for measles virus in their tissues, and what they found is that if you looked at their brain, 20 percent of their brain had live measles virus in it. And if you looked at their other organs, about 45 percent of their organs had live measles virus in them
Now, when you make a live vaccine, what you do is you attenuate the virus so it won’t cause the measles. That’s the whole idea… that you take this virus and you run it through tissue cultures until the virus loses its ability to produce the measles illness. And you call that an attenuated virus, and you inject it into the person… hopefully getting an immune reaction and develop resistance.
Well, the problem, and this is discussed in the virology literature, is that when this virus enters your body and it doesn’t die, because of what we call a persistent virus, and grows there for decades, because your body is producing free radicals all the time, particularly when you get ill from something else, those free radicals bombard that virus’ DNA and it can attenuate it back to a fully pathogenic virus and even produce new diseases. And that’s why we know there’s a correlation between measles, vaccination and things like Crohn’s disease and even multiple sclerosis.