Reason #27 why Bushmills is not Irish Whiskey: it's owned by a tequila company.
It's really Mexican-English whisky. It's not that it's bad, but Rolls Royce and Bentley are more German than this is Irish.
Some people may have a problem with a company started by Hitler when Mercedes and Audi told him and Porsche they were dangerous lunatics - those two nutbars went off to Wolfsburg and built a car factory in the middle of nowhere and trains to it and a town sprung up there that was bombed by the British.
...and the British restored it even while the war wasn't quite over. Show some old cars to a Brit and they just stop what they're doing and get them running - it's in their blood thanks the perfect storm of constant precipitation and Lucas electrics.
They coudlnt even give it away. the UK wanted out, it had been a year theywere making cars but this is ot hat thebritihs army odes and funas this may be we reallly should go home to our famalies what with the war being ver a year already.
No takers. One family paid $1 for it an dto this day they still have it.
VW by simly making cheaper versions of MErcedes, what has been th eplan fro mday one did well enough to be able to buy BEntly and Rolls, whi cis good becsuet those turkey havebled money since the Kaiser was in power and if the right cooany came along and managed them oroperly they'd be ok and lo and behols theright one did.
It owkd ot so well fo rall concerned that thye wer ale to resrect the Bugatti an sdepsite it beingthe most espensiev car ever, eachone is sold at a loss becaues fuck youthats why.
So, had ther not been cooperationbetweenthe two most acromonos factions of the war (despite the irony of them being almost brothes by genetics, Engflsh DNA is overwhemlingly mostly German wth, in decresing order: French, Roman and Scandaavian, where all brihs red hair comes from) then Rolls and VW may have both died but because they each dd the right rhig anbd damn what anybdythinks their combined effors produced this