I'm going to talk about Chromaphyosemion that I've been breeding since I was 18, nearly 40 years ago.

Chromaphyosemion are a non-annual killifish found mainly in the coastal regions of West Africa from Togo in the west to Gabon in the south. You can see the distribution plus a thousand collection sites on the map. Chromaphyosemion are also present on the volcanic island of Bioko which belongs to Equatorial Guinea. This can be explained by the fact that many thousands of years ago the island used to be connected to continental Africa but as ocean levels rose Bioko became an island.

Note there is a small error on the map - there are three red dots near Youande - ignore these, they should not be here.

Chromaphyosemion live in various biotopes in the coastal forest and can be found in water 2 to 3 centimeters deep in streams or larger rivers. The forest disappearing in Togo, Benin and Tiki, Cameroon becuase the trees are all removed, however Chromaphyosemion are still doing alright, adapting quite well. In regions of Togo and Benin where there are no trees or Jungle, the water is quite hot - around 28 Degrees C.