CSS Selectors

CSS Quick Reference
Two: Selectors

You can alter any HTML property selectively and this can be done in different ways; in this example we make some <H2> text blue and some red. A very good list of all selectors can be found at http://help.dottoro.com/lctodmkm.php and http://css.maxdesign.com.au/selectutorial/selectors_type.htm.

Fig 1.0 CSS used inline affecting a single element.

Fig 2.0 class selectors to alter the behaviors of some <H2> elements.

Fig 3.0 <H1> and <H3> share a common definiton as do <H2> and <H4>.

Fig 4.0 A class can apply to all elements that support that particular property.

Fig 5.0 CSS Showing the special first-letter and first-line directives, used with color.