Julian is in the UK Supreme Court right now, live streamed.


Richard Sexton At 11:04 EST: Julian adjusts his glasses by pushing them up his nose with his finger. His middle finger. While staring at the camera. It was over in half a second.

Richard Sexton: So terribly British. After an impassioned speech by counsel to the 8 supreme court justices (sans wigs; the court evolves, having only transitioned from the judicial functions of the House of Lords to a supreme court in 2009) , a silence for 3 seconds then almost a whisper: "time to adjourn" and that was that, everybody stood up, bowed and left. This for a Swedish case of "sex by surprise" because a girl (who later proved to be a CIA agent), claimed she fell asleep during consensual sex and Julian didn't notice.

Monty Python couldn't make this stuff up.