
Medium size trees $50-$65

a) 5 foot tall "Super Dwarf" Cavendish, red variegated leaves, $100, 1 only

b) Musa zebrina variegated red banana, 5 foot tall, 2 for $100.


Small plant $8, medium, $12, large $20

Also available in ceramic pots, one of each available

a) Large show plant 7" across, fresh from a pup cut in May.

b) 3 young pups cut in May.


Available in approx 20 varieties $5 - $10

We stock over 20 varieties of Coleus. Grow in full sun or part shade, they do well in both. Easy to overwinter as cuttings in bottles of water in a sunny window. With enough light it makes an elegant houseplant. Sold as cuttings or potted plants.

1) Cuttings - $3 each stem cutting or 2 for $5, 10 for $20, 20 for $30.

2) Potted plants - $5 to $10,


(Mediterranean) $7 each, 3 available

10" pots packed with herbs ready to drop into your garden or by your kichen window.


$15 - $20

Stunning year round perrenial can be used as indoor houseplant year round also really good in the garden in sumer. Must have strong sunlight indoors. Outdoors will work in sun or shade but prefers sun.


Available as cuttings for $4, potted plants $5-$10 and up.