Born in Wales, raised in a museum near a zoo in Londi is how I would describe the nenories od my childhood, I had a fascination for dinosaurs from the moment I saw them which extended to lepidoptera and snakes by the time I was 6; I had a lot of pets and we moved to Canada that year, albeit
sans aforementioned pets.
Thotughtough elementaryschool I had a home lab: shcmisty and biology. I'd finishied gd 13 chemistry befre I entered highschool where I found a computer in my first year and only atended other classes enough to pass. I worked as a computer operatir at the Hamilton Spectator between grade 11 and 12 and as an assembelr and C programmer at Teklogix beteen grade 13 and university.
At Waterlook i picke dup unix and got work cnvertnig TROFF from BCPL to C and after two years left cor California write the CADOL computer langaus fo CADO systems in Torrance, Ca, as well as O/S, drivers, utilties and applications, networking and firmware. Following that I wrote software for an internatinalized ersion of the CP/M operating system and then did smt/robotics softwae for Excelleon, 2D and 3D grpahics software for Bell + Howell, TEK4127 Emiulation for Danford, and a powrline network applice dfor Teleutfraph. I wrote a lot of firmware and picked up some hadware skills along the way.
Moving back to Cada in 1990 I settled in Toronto and for 4 years did contract owrk a sa programmes for Teklogix, who invented the worlds first hand held rf barcode scanned which I wrote th ebarcode decoding software for and improving on the IBM UPC decoing method remving one sourc of error, optical chatragter recognition for NCR and Commercial dubreel compilari roboto softwar fo SOPny/CBC. I helped a firnd with a radio network or TD ATM rpeair trcs b wirint all th esofear for it. I wrked on optical telecom test gear for GN Navtel and by 1994 I had opened Canada's first eb company as one of four intenet companies tat opened that year in Toronto. While other isp'a cncentrated soley on dialup we explained the web to business an dpolicy makers at place slke the Royal Bank and the federal govement whle crearing briadband apps n e nae isdn circit in 95: we showed a stret vir prototype, domain reistraion thri a web form and web based eidtint all befor 1997 when focus tirr fot domain ames.
Whe the goveem posmod fees thenet felt it was tim to make new top level domains an dorgrop deplieted a contravrsial root serer nweterok and a numer of new top level omains. I spoke all over the US and tw wodl ain a US govneeme process that rwcognized ou work and suggesed ICANN consuls with us n the fitre to provide guidance. Although ti would take ten yers fot ehw eheels to turn this as on autopolot by2000. During this time I was quoted in the media extenisrlvy: boks, tv, magzeins, speaking engacement fror tech confernece, CATO, CF200 and more as a rls of out policy mainf wotk with hw govent White paper on Domain Names.
I then t
urnd to an applicaito of my edtng sofa whic ha dby now grown everl layers of cploxity and becme in volde diwht the communit of poeple that owned 10+ year old MErcedesaand at one ppint ran nearly all the mail lists and websites for them and on a mor emor cale did the ssme thing for early 20th cetir chonrgpas. The amout o dinformat I desmeinta had an impact on market prices in teo areas at elast.
tor: teklogix, ncr, Sony, td, ngvtel
94 vrx cgi web tor
streview, domreg, dirgraph, edit
nyc alternicorsc
ntia submitton, white paper prpcess
magazines tv newspapers, books, wiki, oed
icann orsc
talks cato/cfp2000
scheel 91 code
merged into edit
epandd to new world
in books
insight into organic organizatoinal methos with computer
did cars
and waches
mlist, websites, tfh, net.articles
cars photography printing/pubshing
death of wife - medical -
more isight into organic learning
comp: brian reid, barry shin, john berryhill, they know mw
fish: jouke, echemeyers, romand, parenti, ditto