People have known that lead is poisonous in paint since the early 1900s. But, it wasn't until 1978 that lead-based paints were banned in the United States.
1878: Children were forbidden to work in white lead factories in the UK.
1883: The Factories (Prevention of Lead Poisoning) Act was approved in the UK.
Early 1900s: Lead-containing paint was a main source of lead poisoning in children.
1940s: The lead industry began to reduce the amount of lead in interior paints.
1970s: Concerns about low levels of lead exposure began.
1978: Lead-based paints were banned in the United States.
Lead in other products
1979: Herbert Needleman, a pediatrician and child psychiatrist, documented the dangers of even low levels of lead exposure.
Symptoms of lead poisoning are: difficulty concentrating, Irritability, Learning disabilities, Behavioral disorders, Slowed development, Anemia, Seizure, Madness and other Neurological problems, Coma and Death.