This one really stunk. In fact each one was worse than the previous. That's when we knew something was wrong.
"11.2 Appendix B - SLD Renewal Application Requirements
Every application for renewal of a SLD must include the
following four elements (incomplete applications must be
returned to the applicant for completion):
1. Applicant's name, business or residential address,
email address, fax and phone number(s).
2. The state or country of incorporation or partnership
(if applicable).
3. The name and address of the designated agent for
service of process if there has been a change since the
initial application or the last renewal.
4. A sworn statement by the individual applicant or by an
officer or general partner of a corporate or partnership
(a) that the domain name has actually been used for [fill
in the blank, e.g. "for a web site to advertise applicant's
candy manufacturing business"]. This may be a broad
statement and is not intended in any way to restrict actual
use. However, to the extent that a commercial use is being
made, this statement should identify the industry in which
the use is being made and should indicate which of the
following uses are being made: web site, email, bulletin
board and/or other (describe);
(b) that the applicant believes that the actual use of the
domain name does not infringe any rights of any other
Reaction at the time was to assume Postel had become insane.