It is not possible to me to comment on Jarons's essay in total in toto; I'm simply not
qualified. As a googling, paypal using iTunes listener I use parts
of the net but only really understand small parts of it as a whole. You want antigora?
Look at the Domain Name System and the (lack of) creation of new Top Level Domains.
Thus the revelation that occurred when reading Jaron's essay, for it recapitulates
on a very wide scale what I've seen happen to the DNS: an end of innovation,
massive government regulation bordering on interference and corporate influence.
And that's being kind.
These would not be bad things if both government and industry
knew what they were doing, but they'd failed to do their homework and arrived
on the scene - massively undereducated. Mikki Barry said it best around 1998 when the first
"Internet blue ribbon panel on domain names" was imposed, err, "assembled": "if you think
these are the best and the brightest the Internet has to offer, guess again".
Most of us said "who are these guys?" for they were not well respected
points of light from the community, they were sycophants to one particular
side of the debate plus some folks from WIPO, the ITU and a raft of organisations
that start with "small i". It went rabidly downhill from there. "Hi, we are in charge.
Now go sit down."
In case you don't happen to remember the DNS political feel of the day in the
last half of the 1990s it went like this: somewhere around 1996 the US
government through the NSF decided it was time to stop subsidising the
registration and maintenance of domain names and IP addresses. So it
ordered it's contractor - Network Solutions - to begin charging for domain
Remember that look on Tevya's face when he was leaving Anatevka? ("...where I
know everyone I meet"). Domain registration had been a tradition on the Internet.
Domain names and IP addresses were free. To us. And we were clever people that did clever
things with them back then. And there were a lot of things we wanted to do that
required putting different letters in that part of the "web address" that usually says
"com", "net" or "org". Who knew what was to come? What application of the worlds
largest decenralized database (the DNS protocol) would we see come to light? An
index of all living things? Nothing, it turned out. Back to the simple act
of registering a domain.
Surely automating the domain registration process was merely
a minor administrative task that we could, perhaps with some hubris, handle
ourselves thank you. These weren't billboards selling ad space, web-sites were,
these were names and numbers used to identify machines on the network. Recalling
that there is no central authority in TCP/IP, it's merely a protocol suite we
all agree to use, and by following the rules (codified in the Internet RFC series) we could more
or less guarantee your computer and my computer could interoperate. Your
network (even if you obtained access to it through a $29/mo dialup account)
and my network could interoperate to the point where the landscape appeared
to be one big seamless network.
Recall that the US government and trademark holders (read that as "big business")
had nothing to do with the advancement and development of this. In face quite the
opposite, the office currently holding oversight to all Internet names and numbers
administration was 20 years ago actively deploring the deployment of TCP/IP
and mandating the now dead ITU/ISO standard. While it can be argued that big business
paid for a lot of the infrastructure it can be shows this was for uucp, not TCP/IP
access, it wasn't until 1996 that the TCP-IP network was larger than the UNIX
email and news uucp network.
Nonetheless, in 1996, it was agreed by the overwhelming majority of people
actually working in this area that hundreds of new top level domains
were required, and required right now.
It was never really clear what the obstacles were to this, or to the expansion of
TLD space. Certainly while not without contention, the Usenet namespace had
been expanded, not quickly, but fairy quietly. Perhaps not to anyone was actually there but
it sure flew under the legislative radar. But that was 1988 and long before
the $29/mo AOL account. The net wasn't mainstream yet. The creation of and
sci.aquaria went unnoticed. But I digress.
Word came out, back-channel, whispered, sounding ridiculous, that it was the
"trademark people" that were standing between us and say, ".WEB", .800, .INDEX.
"Trademark people" ?!? Odd, they hadn't shown up on the radar. A quick perusal
now of the four of five mailing lists that had been the sole open and transparent
exchange of ideas we're used to in Internet engineering would demonstrate to
anyone, I think, these people didn't exist.
Ah but they do, and they grow in the
shadows, creeping and skulking, and like cockroaches, when you finally see one
it means they are not alone. The tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars spent in DC lobbying
went unnoticed and undiscovered until years later, ditto the back-room dealings that derailed the IFWP
process and created ICANN. Look at the discussion during that period, then look at
the ICANN board? See the disconnect?
It became well understood over the next decade that these were the dominant
players and they in turn brought in the government involvement. Separation of church
and state is one thing, separation of business and state is not something I've
seen. And they weren't on the side of the engineering community. They seemed
to be convinced they needed new laws to deal with their problem. An odd concept;
trademark - and other intellectual property - laws exist and are well understood.
That is there exists a stable and predictable legal framework under which
trademarks are, uh, enjoyed by all? But no such conceptual framework exists
for the rights of domain name holders, let alone domain name creators. Let
along experimental names or testbeds. In fact if you look you'll see the only
RFC's that came out about domain names (as opposed to minor alterations of the
underlying protocol) were a couple that announced "the following names are never
to be created". Not too tough, nobody is making any new ones anyway. The set of
all tlds was probably not the intent of that RFC but I swear you just have to wonder
What about the rights of domain name holders in a world where this didn't exist
a decade prior? Did we get new laws when TV became ubiquitous? Or is the net
just another medium like print, radio, satellite?
Has the way trademarks are codified and administered been altered by domain names?
Have domain names had their properties altered because of greater rights afforded
on the net than trademark holders enjoy in the real world? Yes, you bet, sunshine.
Recall then this DNS mess reached a crisis point in the late 1990s, it had
been years in the coming, but ICANN was born... and quickly set about putting
trademarks as the dominant agenda item for years. I suppose to one school of
thought would have it that now. 10 years later, that trademarks and domains are well understood
the landscape is now, uh, "safe" enough to rationalise the creation of a small
number of tlds. Never mind the fact during this period 200+ "cctlds" became operational
(thus causing 200 countries governments to go "huh, we have a top level what" when
they found out years after the fact.
The other school of though says that where we are now in domain-land is a little
sick. People are devising policy for the registration, modification and display
of domain data that have never managed or owned a domain in their lives.
The current domreg software is non-intuitive, complicated, too complex, unpredictable
and at times downright unsafe. It's where I'd expected to be in Q1 1997 and would hesitate
call it "alpha ready". So while it's not fair to say government and business involvement
in technical administration of the net kills innovation, my God does it stifle it.
wasted 10 years on that mess and have sat out the last 3 just watching ICANN trip over
it's feet. And boy does it have a lot of feet.
Government should have a say. They're users too. But the need or desire for their
overt control over significant areas of intellectual infrastructure is, I feel most
blatenly pointed out by a stunt I pulled in Berlin during the creation of the organisation
that now ownz the names and numbers of our network. During a public discussion ie, forcing us to
accept something that, again, came out of the blue and was going to happen
despite any thoughts the community it pretended to represent had against it)
of the formation of a "Government Advisory Committee"(the only part of ICANN that is
allowed to meet in secret), I asked for a quick straw poll asking if this type of
government involvement is appropriate or desirable. 13 out of several hundred people
thought it was a good idea. These
were all government people of course and yes they did look a little nervous.
This video is still in the Berkman Center archives.
In an interagency meeting in the late 80's it was decided to hand the
domain name mess over to NTIS effectively making the DoC the Department
of .COMmerce; in the setting of that meeting it probably made sense,
it would give the American born Internet a more receptive ear for
American business and that can't be a bad thing for America. I can see the
agencies involved: the DoC, NSF, CIA, FBI etc deciding this was an
appropriate thing so do for America.
But as ICANN learned when it was bitch-slapped by the bush administration last year over
.xxx, live by the sword die by the sword: "Hi, we are in charge. Now go sit down."