2000+ Ebola Timeline

 COMMENTARY: Health workers need optimal respiratory protection for Ebola
  Barrier method invented by Fatu Kekula

Widespread Ebola throughout West Africa

The Ebola virus outbreak started nearly simultaneously in three places in Africa in 2014 and killed more people that all other Ebola virus outbreaks in history put together. It was on every continent except Antarctica. In September of 2014 the W.H.O. made it clear if a cure was not found by October, Africa would fall by Xmas with the rest of the world following one year later. On October 27 2014 the virus peaked, and then died out.

"On March 23, 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) was notified of an outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Guinea. On August 8, the WHO declared the epidemic to be a “public health emergency of international concern.”

"These data indicate that without drastic improvements in control measures, the numbers of cases of and deaths from EVD are expected to continue increasing from hundreds to thousands per week in the coming months."

Ebola broke out in march, outbreaks are not uncommon but generally short lived. You hear 7 people died or twelve or maybe 50 or 70. But that's generally it. What was different about this outbreak is the number of infected people very clearly ws twice was it was the previous week with unerring accuracy. You don't have to be a math genius to figure out that's an extinction path if not stopped. When something doubles it will hit 100% if not limited by something.

Any number under 1000 is no cause for alarm, the number will increase then stop abruptly but this did not seem to be happening in this case and it was spreading to other continents.

The W.H.O would release new body counts on Saturday mornings and thy went like this:

  • 2nd Wk Sep: 250
  • 3rd Wk Sep: 500
  • 4th Wk Sep: 1000
  • 1st Wk Oct: 2000
  • 2nd Wk Oct: 4000
  • 3rd Wk Oct: 9000

October 27th was a Thursday that year when I caolled the NIH CAM. I had called everybody I could think of, both switchboards at the White House, the WHO, the CDC the NIH, hospitals and only the NIH CAM division reeponsed when I left a message by sending an email requesting more information. I sent them my notes. Four days later there was no WHO report on Saturday regarding EBila death tolls. In fact they'd stopped reporting. We know now thant on or aorund that day the R0 facte dromed from 2 to 0.2 and the disease was now dying out, only weeks after an IEEE projection showed if it continues at this rate all of Africa will be dead with the world following the xmas after.

Ebola is nearly gone and dies out

These are the most significant events:

"We've now seen several cases that don't have any symptoms at all, asymptomatic cases," said Anavaj Sakuntabhai who suggested the virus might be mutating.
29 January 2015 Last updated at 00:55

Ebola Not Mutating, Scientists Say
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

British nurse cured of Ebola credits new drug - and strawberries
"Back in Britain, the decision to try MIL 77 was not difficult. “I said ‘I have Ebola, so, yes, I’d rather have that than high-dose vitamin C,’” she said"
“I reckon I’ve had 10 punnets,” joked Corporal Anna Cross, who smiled nervously as she talked for the first time after her treatment at the Royal Free Hospital in north London." (10 punnets would be about equal to two 1000mg injections a day)

Semen found infected after 175 days, twice the previous record.
April 2015

Did real-time epidemic modeling save lives in West Africa?
28 May 2015 | April 2015 - semen found infected after 175 days, twue the previous record.

Current Ebola Outbreak Poses New Problems in Congo

Ebola Outbreak in Congo