Genetics refereces

A Basis for New Approaches to the Chemotherapy of AIDS: Novel Genes in HIV-1 Potentially Encode Selenoproteins Expressed by Ribosomal Frameshifting and Termination Suppression

"Similarly, we have now demonstrated GPx-like sequences in Coxsackie B virus, the viral cofactor for Keshan disease, and the subject of the now famous Levander and Beck studies."

"I am referring to the use of selenium to treat an Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever that broke out in China in the late 1980s. Hemorrhagic fevers can kill up to 90 percent of those infected, but this study showed that selenium supplementation can reduce that mortality rate dramatically."

Dr. Will C. Taylor is the man who first identified the HIV as being selenium depentant, working with Morgenthaler in France at the Pasteur institute who first identified the virus. HIV patients today take selenium as a matter of course, yet the man who discoverd this essential thgeraputic agent had his Facebook page cancelled as an anti vaccine snake oil in powerful opposition to contemporary political correctness. In other words, the ensorship FB dropped in January 20205.

Taylor is a Canadian who was educated and worked doing drug research for - pharmecutical companies and became a professor of pharmecology and was the one that cracked the genetics of the way the EBola and Zoonetic HI viruses have a switch that can turn on to hihack not only the body's selenium, but simulataneiouysly stripping if ot the immune system protectants that are supposed to kill viruses, thus, it wins the battle by just eating the army and all its arms. Covid works the same way, just a little less efficiently.
Taylor was interviewed by Simon Fraser University in BC, Canada, the interview with taylor can be found here. (Transcript)

Theoretical Evidence that the Ebola Virus Zaire Strain May Be Selenium-Dependent: A Factorin Pathogenesis and Viral Outbreaks?

1995: Ethan Will Taylor and Chandra Sekar Ramanathan

Comprehensive account of the Marburg ourbreak in Germany in 1967 with notes on Ebola

"Filoviruses, like other RNA viruses, presumably have a potential for rapid evolution due to an inherently high error rate of the virusencoded polymerase and a lack of repair mechanisms (3). The come quence may be a spectrum of genetic variants that are selected by the host for different transmissibility, virulence, and other biological properties. Changes in socioeconomic structure, such as an increase in human population, increase in speed, variety, and frequency of travel, and disruption of social structures may augment the development of mutant virus populations and the probability of a filovirus emerging as a truly serious public health problem (4). "

"Even though outbreaks among human and nonhuman primates to date have always been self-limited, it is because of our ignorance about the natural reservoir, the potential of these viruses to be transmitted by aerosol, and the lack of immunoprophylactic and chemotherapeutic measures that these infections are of great concern to biomedical scientists."

The Andromeda strain was based on the Marburg event; Michael Crichton was a Harvard Medical student when this occurred, he quit and wrote the Andromeda Strain which by 1970 was made into a film both durable and scientifically robust; in fact our modern day BSL 4 suits can trace their origin back to these.

More curious is the finding in the film that "Andromeda can only live in a narrow range of pH" whereas Ebola, Marburgh, Coxsackie virus ands other selenoviruses can only exist in a narrow range of selenium, just as humans have to eat salt, not too much, not too little.

Note also the Reston genotype of Ebola does not encode for selenium as not pathogenic, instead producing either no symptoms at all or the sniffles in few. This was the enonymous virus from 1996 that broke out in Reston Virginia in the US.

Lastly. as in the film, Ebola can make the blood clot the way Andromeda does.

Other than the extraterrestrial origin, everything else in the film is not science fiction.

US Army's new Ebola lab in Sierro Leone identifies Zaire virus from 1975 there, not the usual local Ivory Coast strain

"Three other USAMRIID personnel also have been involved in this ongoing effort: Wes Carter, who traveled with Schoepp to Liberia; Aileen O'Hearn, Ph.D., who recently returned from providing laboratory support to Kenema Government Hospital (KGH) in Sierra Leone; and Matthew Voorhees, who is currently onsite at KGH.

USAMRIID has been working in the region since 2006, when it began a collaborative project to develop and refine diagnostic tests for the Lassa fever virus endemic to Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. As those assays have matured, the scientists have begun to optimize additional tests for a number of emerging diseases."

"Prior to the current outbreak, only one case of Ebola had ever been officially reported in this region, and it was from the Ivory Coast strain," said Schoepp. "We were surprised to see that Zaire -- or a variant of Zaire -- was causing infection in West Africa several years ago."

Note that Zaire is 3000 miles away and that the "Zaire Strain" is a 1975 isolate of a strain the US Army maintains and has test kits for, in fact this is where the real time PCR Covid tests came from. It is also the stain the Pasteur Institute was looking for and found in up to 33% of the poeple living in the forest edgees in Gabon who were all asymtomatic. Our failure to undeerstand the ecology of the Ebola virus leaves us prone to epidemics.

Selenium metabolism, gene expression, interaction with sulphur, and role in cancer are reviewed.

Recent developments in selenium research
Some of the main biochemical features of selenium have emerged only in the last five years, although it has been known to be an essential element for nearly 40 years. The investigations into selenoproteome gene expression and a better understanding of the selenocysteine synthetic pathway have undoubtedly provided the evidence that underpins the biochemical roles of the element. To date, 25 selenium-containing proteins have been identified in humans but the functions of a number of these have yet to be elucidated. The roles of the selenium-containing enyzmes (glutathione peroxidases, thioredoxin reductases and iodothyronine deiodinases) are well established, the first two being linked with antioxidant activity, and the latter involved with thyroid hormone metabolism. Recently, the interaction between sulphur, in the same periodic group and therefore chemically similar, and selenium has been investigated in a bid to understand the role of both elements in disease. There is renewed interest in the anticancer properties of selenium-containing compounds as evidence of their effectiveness in animal models has been demonstrated. Herein, selenium metabolism, gene expression, interaction with sulphur, and role in cancer are reviewed. Taylor's anti-viral dietary suppplements are listed on his page at the University

Proposal for a revised taxonomy of the family Filoviridae: classification, names of taxa and viruses, and virus abbreviations

The taxonomy of the family Filoviridae (marburgviruses and ebolaviruses) has changed several times since the discovery of its members, resulting in a plethora of species and virus names and abbreviations. The current taxonomy has only been partially accepted by most laboratory virologists. Confusion likely arose for several reasons: species names that consist of several words or which (should) contain diacritical marks, the current orthographic identity of species and virus names, and the similar pronunciation of several virus abbreviations in the absence of guidance for the correct use of vernacular names. To rectify this problem, we suggest (1) to retain the current species names Reston ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus, and Zaire ebolavirus, but to replace the name Cote d'Ivoire ebolavirus [sic] with Taï Forest ebolavirus and Lake Victoria marburgvirus with Marburg marburgvirus; (2) to revert the virus names of the type marburgviruses and ebolaviruses to those used for decades in the field (Marburg virus instead of Lake Victoria marburgvirus and Ebola virus instead of Zaire ebolavirus); (3) to introduce names for the remaining viruses reminiscent of jargon used by laboratory virologists but nevertheless different from species names (Reston virus, Sudan virus, Taï Forest virus), and (4) to introduce distinct abbreviations for the individual viruses (RESTV for Reston virus, SUDV for Sudan virus, and TAFV for Taï Forest virus), while retaining that for Marburg virus (MARV) and reintroducing that used over decades for Ebola virus (EBOV). Paying tribute to developments in the field, we propose (a) to create a new ebolavirus species (Bundibugyo ebolavirus) for one member virus (Bundibugyo virus, BDBV); (b) to assign a second virus to the species Marburg marburgvirus (Ravn virus, RAVV) for better reflection of now available high-resolution phylogeny; and (c) to create a new tentative genus (Cuevavirus) with one tentative species (Lloviu cuevavirus) for the recently discovered Lloviu virus (LLOV). Furthermore, we explain the etymological derivation of individual names, their pronunciation, and their correct use, and we elaborate on demarcation criteria for each taxon and virus.

Selenium Deficiency and Viral Infection

"More recent research has shown that a mild strain of influenza virus, influenza A/Bangkok/1/79, also exhibits increased virulence when given to Se-deficient mice. This increased virulence is accompanied by multiple changes in the viral genome in a segment previously thought to be relatively stable. Epidemic neuropathy in Cuba has features that suggest a combined nutritional/viral etiology"

This explains how the REBOV which does not encode for selenium and is harmless probably mutated into ZEBOV which does and this had to happen in a high selenium area such as Gabon. The most likely place for an outbreak given parameters of soil and population growth could be Kinshasa/Zaire, notoriously low in selenium and the hub of economic growth in that area. It is probably no coincidence that HIV was found to originate there, except that it could not have. A selenium containing virus can not evolve in an area of no selenium and it almost certainly originated i the jungles of west Africa. In fact the species of Ape (Pan troglodytes) has been identified and their range is West Africa to the Congo.


Genomic surveillance elucidates Ebola virus origin and transmission during the 2014 outbreak

"One notable intrahost variation is the RNA editing site of the glycoprotein (GP) gene which we characterized in patients"

"The RNA editing site of the glycoprotein (GP) gene consists of 7 U residues; cotranscriptional stuttering can result in transcripts with more or less A residues. The resulting frameshifts allow for the expression of distinct glycoproteins called sGP (7 A), GP (predominantly 8 A), and ssGP (predominantly 6 A). Previous studies have demonstrated that EBOV passaging results in distinct changes in the genomic editing site, which switches to 8 U in tissue culture and to 7 U in infected guinea pigs and nonhuman primates, and thereby in different ratios of edited transcripts. Deep sequencing revealed 8 U at ~ 1% and 7 U at ~ 99% (fig. S5B). This differs from the proportions previously reported in animal models and tissue culture (8 U 20%; 7 U 80%) (12, 19) and represents the first measurement of these intrahost ratios in an unpassaged (p0) isolate and in a human outbreak setting. Caution is needed in comparing these differences, however, since the previous studies were performed using cloning-based Sanger sequencing."

SupplementalEbola Genomic materials and cladograms can be found at the link.

"Molecular dating places the common ancestor of all sequenced Guinea and Sierra Leone lineages around late February 2014"

Understanding Ebola: the 2014 epidemic

The standard treatment for Ebola patients has not changed in the last 50 years and consists of symptomatic and supportive care [24]. Supportive care involves either oral or intravenous rehydration and electrolyte management; while symptomatic care involves the use of drugs to reduce vomiting and diarrhea, along with medication to treat fever and pain [32–34]. Patients with high malaria risk are also given anti-malarial medication and antibiotics to preemptively treat common infections that may hamper their ability to fight Ebola. Currently, drugs being developed to treat Ebola work by inhibiting viral replication either by targeting viral transcripts for degradation, blocking translation, or acutely neutralizing the virus [35]. Other treatments that are being studied include passive immunotherapy (blood transfusion from survivors) and mechanical filtering of patient blood [36, 37].

USAMRIID supports Ebola Virus Disease outbreak response in West Africa

is region, and it was from the Ivory Coast strain," said Schoepp. "We were surprised to see that Zaire -- or a variant of Zaire -- was causing infection in West Africa several years ago."We were surprised to see that Zaire -- or a variant of Zaire -- was causing infection in West Africa several years ago.

Army Scientist Uses Diagnostic Tools to Track Viruses

"FORT DETRICK, Md., Dec. 17, 2014 —
An Army virologist using diagnostic tools found traces of Ebola virus in patient samples in West Africa -- a region thought to be untouched by the disease -- seven years before the largest, deadliest Ebola outbreak took the world by surprise in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone."

"In 2006, Schoepp was working in Sierra Leone at the Kenema Government Hospital in Eastern Province, helping a collaboration of USAMRIID and Tulane University scientists who were there to develop and refine Lassa fever diagnostic tests and build host-country diagnostic capacity."

"“One reason I was interested in Sierra Leone is because, for those of us who work with hemorrhagic fevers … this is the only place you can study them because you know they’re going to show up and you know where they’re going to be,” the virologist said."

"IgM is the first antibody to be made by the body to fight a new infection, Schoepp said, “so if you find IgM antibodies it tells you that you're very close to the original infection.”

Looking further into the Ebola antibodies with the plaque reduction neutralization test, which many scientists consider the "gold standard" for detecting and measuring antibodies that can neutralize many disease-causing viruses, Schoepp saw that most of the Ebola antibodies were against the Zaire strain.

Ebola Zaire is the most virulent of the virus’s five strains, Schoepp said, and the one that is now causing the West African outbreak.

In a region supposedly untouched by Ebola except for a single case of the Tai Forest strain reported in Cote d’Ivoire in 1994, Schoepp said, this was big news that at the time could have been unwelcome in the three countries."

Afterward, in August 2013, he submitted a scientific paper about the West African Ebola finding to CDC’s Emerging Infectious Diseases journal. After nearly a year and reviews by two sets of scientists, the final reviewer told Schoepp, “I don’t believe there is Ebola virus in West Africa.”

A week later, Schoepp said, the West African Ebola outbreak was announced to the world and, after an email from Schoepp to the journal editor, “Undiagnosed Acute Viral Febrile Illnesses, Sierra Leone,” was published in July 2014.

“To me, it means that there is more Ebola out in the world than you would know by past outbreaks or by other evidence,” Schoepp said, discussing the paper’s results. “If you look for it, you have a very good chance of finding it.”

Diagnostics, he added, is the basis of everything.

“We set the stage for others to come in and do their therapeutics, their antivirals, their vaccines,” Schoepp said. “Knowing what's there is one thing, and being able to do something about what's there is another thing. So diagnostics gives the epidemiologists, immunologists and the therapeutic people something to do.”

In a time when globalization spreads diseases farther and faster than ever (emph. mine - RJS), Schoepp said, it’s a good time to be a virologist.

See also
"The study will enroll adult volunteers who present as severely ill with a suspected infectious source. In addition to receiving the usual care for their illness, they will be asked to provide samples for laboratory analysis and to complete a brief questionnaire that captures basic clinical, demographic and exposure data."

Mutation rate and genotype variation of Ebola virus from Mali case sequences

The occurrence of Ebola virus (EBOV) in West Africa during 2013-2015 is unprecedented. Early reports suggested that in this outbreak EBOV is mutating twice as fast as previously observed, which indicates the potential for changes in transmissibility and virulence and could render current molecular diagnostics and countermeasures ineffective. We have determined additional full-length sequences from two clusters of imported EBOV infections into Mali, and we show that the nucleotide substitution rate (9.6 × 10(-4) substitutions per site per year) is consistent with rates observed in Central African outbreaks. In addition, overall variation among all genotypes observed remains low. Thus, our data indicate that EBOV is not undergoing rapid evolution in humans during the current outbreak. This finding has important implications for outbreak response and public health decisions and should alleviate several previously raised concerns.

Evolution and Spread of Ebola Virus in Liberia, 2014–2015

Genotypic anomaly in Ebola virus strains circulating in Magazine Wharf area, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2015

The Magazine Wharf area, Freetown, Sierra Leone was a focus of ongoing Ebola virus transmission from late June 2015. Viral genomes linked to this area contain a series of 13 T to C substitutions in a 150 base pair intergenic region downstream of viral protein 40 open reading frame, similar to the Ebolavirus/H.sapienswt/SLE/2014/Makona-J0169 strain (J0169) detected in the same town in November 2014. This suggests that recently circulating viruses from Freetown descend from a J0169-like virus.

Exposing the Origins of the Ebola Outbreak: Urging for a Shift in Response from Reactive to Proactive

On August 8, 2014, the World Health Organization established that the current Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), urging the global community to orchestrate their efforts to control the outbreak. As of November 12, 2014 the World Health Organization reported that at least 5,160 lives have been lost to the virus. We conducted a literature review in order to determine the underlying factors contributing to the emergence, rapid spread, and uncontrolled nature of the current virus outbreak, the first to display a distinct epicenter in West Africa. The global community’s reaction to Ebola has been marked by fear. Fear of both the unknown nature of the virus, and knowing that we have made limited efforts in strengthening our arsenal of Ebola fighting treatment options. We explore novel treatment and precautionary approaches in an attempt to shift the response from reactive to proactive in our efforts to battle Ebola.


On 29 June 2015, Liberia’s respite from Ebola virus disease (EVD) was interrupted for the second time by a renewed outbreak (“flare-up”) of seven confirmed cases. We demonstrate that, similar to the March 2015 flare-up associated with sexual transmission, this new flare-up was a reemergence of a Liberian transmission chain originating from a persistently infected source rather than a reintroduction from a reservoir or a neighboring country with active transmission. Although distinct, Ebola virus (EBOV) genomes from both flare-ups exhibit significantly low genetic divergence, indicating a reduced rate of EBOV evolution during persistent infection. Using this rate of change as a signature, we identified two additional EVD clusters that possibly arose from persistently infected sources. These findings highlight the risk of EVD flare-ups even after an outbreak is declared over.

Ebola Virus Glycoprotein with Increased Infectivity Dominated the 2013-2016 Epidemic

The magnitude of the 2013-2016 Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic enabled an unprecedented number of viral mutations to occur over successive human-to-human transmission events, increasing the probability that adaptation to the human host occurred during the outbreak. We investigated one nonsynonymous mutation, Ebola virus (EBOV) glycoprotein (GP) mutant A82V, for its effect on viral infectivity. This mutation, located at the NPC1-binding site on EBOV GP, occurred early in the 2013-2016 outbreak and rose to high frequency. We found that GP-A82V had heightened ability to infect primate cells, including human dendritic cells. The increased infectivity was restricted to cells that have primate-specific NPC1 sequences at the EBOV interface, suggesting that this mutation was indeed an adaptation to the human host. GP-A82V was associated with increased mortality, consistent with the hypothesis that the heightened intrinsic infectivity of GP-A82V contributed to disease severity during the EVD epidemic.

Human Adaptation of Ebola Virus during the West African Outbreak

The 2013-2016 outbreak of Ebola virus (EBOV) in West Africa was the largest recorded. It began following the cross-species transmission of EBOV from an animal reservoir, most likely bats, into humans, with phylogenetic analysis revealing the co-circulation of several viral lineages. We hypothesized that this prolonged human circulation led to genomic changes that increased viral transmissibility in humans. We generated a synthetic glycoprotein (GP) construct based on the earliest reported isolate and introduced amino acid substitutions that defined viral lineages. Mutant GPs were used to generate a panel of pseudoviruses, which were used to infect different human and bat cell lines. These data revealed that specific amino acid substitutions in the EBOV GP have increased tropism for human cells, while reducing tropism for bat cells. Such increased infectivity may have enhanced the ability of EBOV to transmit among humans and contributed to the wide geographic distribution of some viral lineages.

Human Adaptation of Ebola Virus during the West African Outbreak

The 2013-2016 outbreak of Ebola virus (EBOV) in West Africa was the largest recorded. It began following the cross-species transmission of EBOV from an animal reservoir, most likely bats, into humans, with phylogenetic analysis revealing the co-circulation of several viral lineages. We hypothesized that this prolonged human circulation led to genomic changes that increased viral transmissibility in humans. We generated a synthetic glycoprotein (GP) construct based on the earliest reported isolate and introduced amino acid substitutions that defined viral lineages. Mutant GPs were used to generate a panel of pseudoviruses, which were used to infect different human and bat cell lines. These data revealed that specific amino acid substitutions in the EBOV GP have increased tropism for human cells, while reducing tropism for bat cells. Such increased infectivity may have enhanced the ability of EBOV to transmit among humans and contributed to the wide geographic distribution of some viral lineages.

Virus genomes reveal factors that spread and sustained the Ebola epidemic

The 2013–2016 West African epidemic caused by the Ebola virus was of unprecedented magnitude, duration and impact. Here we reconstruct the dispersal, proliferation and decline of Ebola virus throughout the region by analysing 1,610 Ebola virus genomes, which represent over 5% of the known cases. We test the association of geography, climate and demography with viral movement among administrative regions, inferring a classic ‘gravity’ model, with intense dispersal between larger and closer populations. Despite attenuation of international dispersal after border closures, cross-border transmission had already sown the seeds for an international epidemic, rendering these measures ineffective at curbing the epidemic. We address why the epidemic did not spread into neighbouring countries, showing that these countries were susceptible to substantial outbreaks but at lower risk of introductions. Finally, we reveal that this large epidemic was a heterogeneous and spatially dissociated collection of transmission clusters of varying size, duration and connectivity. These insights will help to inform interventions in future epidemics.

The Evolution of Ebola virus: Insights from the 2013–2016 Epidemic

"Molecular clock dating analyses have also shown that all recorded human EVD outbreaks caused by EBOV appear to share a common ancestor around 1975"

Different effects of two mutations on the infectivity of Ebola virus glycoprotein in nine mammalian species ** GOF **

Ebola virus (EBOV), which belongs to the genus Ebolavirus, causes a severe and often fatal infection in primates, including humans, whereas Reston virus (RESTV) only causes lethal disease in non-human primates. Two amino acids (aa) at positions 82 and 544 of the EBOV glycoprotein (GP) are involved in determining viral infectivity. However, it remains unclear how these two aa residues affect the infectivity of Ebolavirus species in various hosts. Here we performed viral pseudotyping experiments with EBOV and RESTV GP derivatives in 10 cell lines from 9 mammalian species. We demonstrated that isoleucine at position 544/545 increases viral infectivity in all host species, whereas valine at position 82/83 modulates viral infectivity, depending on the viral and host species. Structural modelling suggested that the former residue affects viral fusion, whereas the latter residue influences the interaction with the viral entry receptor, Niemann-Pick C1.

Zaire ebolavirus isolate H.sapiens-wt/GIN/2014/Makona-Gueckedou-C07, complete genome


These quotes are from Foster's book. The selected passages apply all selenoviruses: Ebola, HIV, Hep-C and so on
"Will Taylor, from the University of Georgia, has been a driving force behind the hypothesis that selenium deficiency plays a significant role in AIDS.2 Taylor and his co-workers3 have demonstrated that HIV-1 encodes a selenium-containing protein, specifically the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. This means that the virus cannot replicate without competing with its host for this trace element. To confirm that this is happening, Baum and coleagues4-5 have shown that not only are AIDS patients selenium deficient, but the lower the level of this trace element is in the blood, the more likely they are to die. Indeed, numerous other studies have onfirmed that HIV patients are always selenium deficient and that as AIDS progresses, this deficiency relentlessly increases.

"Included amongst these are Coxsackie B3, Ebola Zaire, Molloscum contagiosum, Hepatitis C virus, and HIV. The highly pathogenic Zaire strain of Ebola, for example, is one such virus.22 ... where one such potential gene has 16 UGA selenocysteine codons, as well as structural features necessary to express this selenoprotein, which would require 16 Se atoms per molecule. This suggests that infection with Ebola Zaire may place an unprecedented demand for selenium on the host, potentially causing more drastic Se depletion in a matter of days than HIV infection can accomplish in 10 years."
Concerning viral RNA

"From my perspective, however, I'd honestly have to say that despite the accumulation of supporting evidence, it has been somewhat frustrating to me that few major virology groups have made any attempt, let alone a serious effort, to rigorously prove or disprove what I now call the "viral selenoprotein theory." In essence that hypothesis, first proposed in my 1994 paper, is the idea that certain viruses (initially HIV, other retroviruses, and also some strains of Coxsackievirus) may interact directly with selenium in host cells by incorporating selenium into viral proteins. This would mean that the role of selenium deficiency in some viral diseases might be far more complex than previously thought - and believe me, the potential roles of selenium and other antioxidants in the body's defenses against infectious disease are already very complicated, even without this possibility." - Dr. Will Taylor

"In short, selenium deficiency reduces the availability of glutathione peroxidase leading to the depletion of CD4 T lymphocytes seen in HIV-seropositive patients. Selenium deficiency, therefore, is a direct cause of the immune system decline that is associated with AIDS. The reverse is true. Selenium supplementation increases the cytotoxicity of killer T cells

There remains one interesting enigma concerning not only HIV but also all of the other viruses, including Hepatitis B and C, Coxsackievirus B3, and Ebola Zaire, that have selenium61 utilizing genes. The geographical, laboratory, and clinical trial evidence suggests that all of these viruses are much more liable to cause disease in low selenium environments where the populations are typically selenium deficient. As Taylor42 writes:
... if the virus requires Se, why is it that a deficiency of Se appears to be associated with increased viral replication, and Se supplementation inhibits the virus, rather than “feeding” the virus?"

"It is also possible that HIV is simply unable to infect any individual with adequate serum selenium and a well functioning immune system. This certainly appears to be one possible explanation for the low AIDS mortality in Senegal and the inefficient transmission of HIV-1 to the spouses of hemophiliacs."

"One of the body’s key defences against the ubiquitous and destructive process known as lipid peroxidation is the selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase. Another antioxidant protein called selenoprotein 8 is the chief type of selenium found in human plasma. When lipid peroxidation is not reversed, it causes cell membrane destruction. It is also known that when T cells are short of the selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase they accumulate lipid hydroperoxides which stimulate programmed cell death (apoptosis)."

"However, it is also possible that since oxidative stress stimulates HIV replication and the selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase reduces oxidative stress, any shortage of selenium encourages HIV replication."

"Montagnier39 demonstrated that although cultured cells infected with HIV usually died rapidly, if they were given the antibiotic tetracycline, they flourished."

So explain this:
Newer tetracycline derivatives: synthesis, anti-HIV, antimycobacterial activities and inhibition of HIV-1 integrase D Sriram, P Yogeeswari, G Senchani… - Bioorganic & medicinal …, 2007 - Elsevier
Abstract A series of new tetracycline derivatives has been synthesized by reacting appropriate tetracyclines, formaldehyde and secondary amino (piperazino) function of fluoroquinolones using microwave irradiation with the yield ranging from 41evaluated for its
Cited by 27 Related articles All 6 versions

1994 Taylor: A Basis for New Approaches to the Chemotherapy of AIDS: Novel Genes in HIV-1 Potentially Encode Selenoproteins Expressed by Ribosomal Frameshifting and Termination Suppression

1995 Zaire: Theoretical Evidence that the Ebola Virus Zaire Strain May Be Selenium-Dependent: A Factorin Pathogenesis and Viral Outbreaks?

1996 Feldmann: Comprehensive account of the Marburg ourbreak in Germany in 1967 with notes on Ebola

2006 usarmy: US Army's new Ebola lab in Sierro Leone identifies Zaire virus from 1975 there, not the usual local Ivory Coast strain

2009 Taylor: Selenium metabolism, gene expression, interaction with sulphur, and role in cancer are reviewed.

2010 Kuhn: Proposal for a revised taxonomy of the family Filoviridae: classification, names of taxa and viruses, and virus abbreviations

2011 Beck: Selenium Deficiency and Viral Infection

2014 Gire: Genomic surveillance elucidates Ebola virus origin and transmission during the 2014 outbreak

2014 Kaner: Understanding Ebola: the 2014 epidemic

2014 USAMRIID SL: USAMRIID supports Ebola Virus Disease outbreak response in West Africa

2014 US+Army SL: Army Scientist Uses Diagnostic Tools to Track Viruses

2015 Hoenen: Mutation rate and genotype variation of Ebola virus from Mali case sequences

2015 Ladner: Evolution and Spread of Ebola Virus in Liberia, 2014–2015

2015 Smits: Genotypic anomaly in Ebola virus strains circulating in Magazine Wharf area, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2015

2016 Ahktar: Exposing the Origins of the Ebola Outbreak: Urging for a Shift in Response from Reactive to Proactive

2016 Blackley:

2016 Diehl: Ebola Virus Glycoprotein with Increased Infectivity Dominated the 2013-2016 Epidemic

2016 Malik: Human Adaptation of Ebola Virus during the West African Outbreak

2016 Urbanowicz: Human Adaptation of Ebola Virus during the West African Outbreak

2017 Holmes: The Evolution of Ebola virus: Insights from the 2013–2016 Epidemic

2018 Kurosaki: Different effects of two mutations on the infectivity of Ebola virus glycoprotein in nine mammalian species ** GOF **

2022 Bedford:

KJ660347: Zaire ebolavirus isolate H.sapiens-wt/GIN/2014/Makona-Gueckedou-C07, complete genome