CoV : November 2019

French patients were sick with Covid-19 Nov 16, before China

Doctors in the French Haut-Rhin region, hit hard by Covid-19, say they’ve detected several cases dating back to 16 November 2019 – long before the disease is believed to have surfaced in France, and before it was even announced in China.

Radiologists at the Albert Schweitzer private hospital in Colmar, near the German border, reviewed 2,456 chest X-rays produced between 12 October, 2019 and 30 April, 2020 to see if they coud find one or more “patient zeros”.

According to French daily Le Figaro, each of the scans was carefully re-studied before being filed into three categories: “not Covid-compatible”, “Covid-compatible” and “typical Covid”. Any scan falling into the last two categories needed the validation of a second or third doctor.

China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17

o Government records suggest first person infected with new disease may have been a Hubei resident aged 55, but ‘patient zero’ has yet to be confirmed

o Documents seen by the Post could help scientists track the spread of the disease and perhaps determine its source

Nov 27 - Welsh coronavirus patient, 25, reveals how he was left 'suffocating' and unable to move

ByCathy OwenBreaking News Editor
07:22, 5 MAR 2020

Connor Reed, from Llandudno, got ill while working as an English teacher in Wuhan.

The 25-year-old described how it started as "just a sniffle" on November 25 - a month before authorities officially announced the virus - but over the next three-and-a-half weeks he got increasingly ill and was unable to move.

He had initially tried to cure himself with whisky and honey - better known as a 'hot toddy'.

After seven days of feeling under the weather, Connor's symptoms started to drastically worsen, and fearing he had regular flu he then took time off from the school he had worked at for seven months.

He kept a diary of his symptoms which started with normal cold like symptoms - sneezing and bleary eyes.

It wasn't enough for him to stay off work.

By day two he had a sore throat and tried using his mum's remedy of hot water and honey to soothe it.

On day five he thought he was over the worst of it, but by day seven he was aching all over.

He wrote in his diary that has been published by the Daily Mail : "My head is thumping, my eyes are burning, my throat is constricted.

"The cold has travelled down to my chest and I have a hacking cough. This is flu, and it’s going to take more than a mug of hot honey, with or without the magic whisky ingredient, to make me feel better."

The next day Connor, who lives alone, told his bosses he would unlikely be back to work for a week, admitting "even my bones are aching", while he could not get out of bed without pain and even coughing hurt.

A little stray kitten that hung around in Connor's apartment suddenly looked unwell and didn't want any of the food he offered her - before tragedy struck and she died on Day 11.

However, what Connor would quickly learn was only the calm before the storm, miraculously he was beginning to feel better, as if the flu had lifted.

But then on day 12, he had a relapse.

He says: "Just as I thought the flu was getting better, it has come back with a vengeance. My breathing is laboured.

"Just getting up and going to the bathroom leaves me panting and exhausted. I’m sweating, burning up, dizzy and shivering. The television is on but I can’t make sense of it. This is a nightmare."

It got so bad, he even questioned if he was dying: "By the afternoon, I feel like I am suffocating. I have never been this ill in my life. I can’t take more than sips of air and, when I breathe out, my lungs sound like a paper bag being crumpled up.

"This isn’t right. I need to see a doctor. But if I call the emergency services, I’ll have to pay for the ambulance call-out myself. That’s going to cost a fortune. I’m ill, but I don’t think I’m dying — am I?"

He decided to go to Zhongnan University Hospital and doctors there diagnosed pneumonia, and was given anitbiotics

In the end, he didn't take the antibiotics and by day 22 he was starting to feel better, and by day 24 was able to go back to work.

It was after that he heard rumours of a virus that could cause pneumonia was affecting a lot of people.

Today, that virus has spread across the world.

16 first france: French patients were sick with Covid-19 Nov 16, before China

17 first china: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17

25 first brit: Nov 27 - Welsh coronavirus patient, 25, reveals how he was left 'suffocating' and unable to move