Molecular Therapeutics

"Klenner's paper (Klenner FR. The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. J. South. Med. and Surg., 111:210-214, 1949.) on curing 60 cases of polio in the epidemic of 1948 should have changed the way infectious diseases were treated but it did not." - Robert Cathcart

"Chemotherapy, though still primordial, must eventually provide the ultimate solution to vaccine failures."
Hilleman, MR - Realities and enigmas of human viral influenza: pathogenesis, epidemiology and control.



Science knows more than medicine lets on and this is because of economic and not scientific reasons.

Explained in 2007 with Foster's work.

It took us a long time to figure out what HIV even was and what it's relationship to AIDS was and how did it disable the immune system. We know the answers to these questions now.

HIV is a virus that over time decreases the efficiency of the immune system. It does this by taking from the body the element it needs to crack out new viruses like a factory (unlike other virus that invade a cell, replicate and burst) leaving the host deficient in all the things the virus took from it. The key ones here are Glutamine, Tryptophan, Cysteine and Selenium.

Explained in 2007 by Foster's work.

Upon infection and because it encodes for them, the HIV organism begins slowly stripping the body of: selenium, cysteine, glutamine and tryptophan.

These are required by the immune system and are the specific deficiency in "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" or AIDS.
The rare cased where HIV infected individuals never progresses to AIDS will be found upon testing to have ample amounts of these four essential nutrients in their diet. In it's most simple form a cheeseburger and a couple of Brazil nuts would work. Three out of these four are found in meat and dairy, although tryptophan is never abundant in nature. Beef has more than any other meat. Dairy is a good source of the rest. Selenium is the hard one. Brazil nuts from South America have lots. Sea Lion liver has lots, Astragalus has lots as do the brains and organs of labs and pigs. This sausage can be valuable asa source, especially from an area of high selenium soil. In Europe only Germany has this Selenium is also available as an inexpensive nutritional supplement - selenized yeast pills and Sodium selenite pills.

There is no good data how much selenium is required. Hoffer took 600mcg a day (200mcg x 3 times a day) for a long time, and it's not inconceivable an Ebola patient might need more than that. Because selenium is minorly toxic in large doses there's no concept of "take as much as you want, the body will flush any extra safely" like there is with most vitamins. It tends not to be true with metals and metalloids. Note Tellurium has been shown to do the same thing, but 4X as efficiently but also more toxic. Work is needed here to establish efficacy and levels.

Explained in 2007 by Burke & Potter's discovery of Salvestrols

There are chemicals in food that we have to eat or else we die, we know these as "vitamins" when taken in small doses. But there's one discovered in 2007 that occurs in much produce but the plant only makes this essential family of chemicals called "Salvestrols" in response to mold. So when we spray, we downregulate the mold and the plant makes up to 90% less of the stuff that out body needs to kill cancer naturally by activating gene P53 to selectively target those CYP1B1 containing cells that are cancerous.


How to stop losing the war on flu: Explained in the 1940s by Cathcart and Klenner - "as seen on TV" - Ref

In August of 2010 a man lying dying in a hospital bed of swine flu in coma. The doctors advised the family to turn off life support he wasn't expected to live.

The family listed on intravenous vitamin C and he got better and is around today. 75 years of research into this was not for nothing.

The law has been changed now in that country and intravenous C is now a registered drug there.

If you take a lot of C during a flu, and I mean a lot, then you're chances of dying are far far less.

When people die of flu they die of oxidative stress. You can call it that, or the "chi" (Qi) of Chinese medicine or "the spirit gets weak" and it's all the same thing, your body is experiencing a biochemical reaction - specifically electron loss at a rate greater than it's ability to replace them - this is the definition of "oxidative stress". If this continues the heart eventually stops. Put the electrons back and it slows or reverses the process depending on dosage.

The antioxidant system is supposed to replace the electron loss associated with oxidative stress - until we get sick. Ascorbate, once used up, is recharged by Tocopherol. Tocopherol can also recharge ascorbate. Glutathione can also recharge ascorbate. This complicated set of reactions works pretty well, each substance recharges another as one factory inside the body. The problem is we can no longer make ascorbate, and can not make Tocopherol either and can only make glutathione if we ingest selenium, because a selenium containing enzyme is required to make it.

In the 20th century we learned that we need minute amounts of these substances or we die.

By the 21st century we will learn that we need more of them when we are sick.

Nobody who died of sepsis or pneumonia did so with an antioxidant system in proper working order.

"A cold" is a symptom not a disease.

We'd like to think there is a single cold virus but there is no such thing. There is one called Rhinovirus but many viruses can priduce the same symptoms. You can get a cold from an influenza virus. You can get a cold from Ebola (Reston strain) or Polio or from about 200 different viruses.

"A cold" is a symptom of an infection, usually viral. Not everyone gets colds or get them at the same time.

Even highly pathogenic flu does not infect all people. A flu that kills 50% was not a problem for half the people many of who simply did not become infected. This does not mean they were not exposed to the virus, but their innate immunity protected them from it.

If you have a cold you have to now rest so it does not become "a fever". The same viruses that can give you a cold can do far far more damage than cold symptoms it can progress to what we call pneumonia where the lungs fill with fluid which can be fatal. This can happen from a virus or a bacteria. Although we used to assume pneumonia was from a bacteria autopsies have shows pneumonia is a symptom caused a virus or bacteria.

In 21st century terminology a cold is mild oxidative stress while a "fever" is severe oxidative stress. "Pneumonia" is now called a "cytokine storm" which is well named - the immune system has gone haywire and is attacking everything in sight.

These are failure modalities of the immune system that simply do not happen in some people.

Old thinking: cold viruses appear in the bad weather and if one infects you, you get a cold.

New thinking: viruses infection occurs more than symptoms from viral infection. When levels of certain substances fall for whatever reason the virus is then able to begin infecting cells. The degree which is does so determines the level of illness. If the initial or "cold" symptoms clear up the body was able to fight the virus and that's the end of it. If however this defense against the virus fails then the "cold" symptoms may get worse: fever and or the cytokine storm we used to call pneumonia. Note Ebola and influenza differ only in the speed of the illness. Ebola does in a day what flu takes 6 weeks to d.

 EBOV timeline
 In 1995 Se was theorized to kill EBOV

Two Brazil nuts a day stops this. Here's how.

(Note: I had the pleasure of explaining this to the US NIH in the third week of October 2014. Please note on the IEEE graphs what happened to the disease at that point, specifically the R0 factor - RJS)

Observations of the selenovirus EBOV family pertaining to the 2104 outbreak in West Africa

Filoviruses, which include HIV and Ebov encode for a human homologue of the lipid peroxidase protectant glutathione peroxidase ("GPx3") which is implicated in at least 18 places in the immune system.

To manufacture this requires the use of a selenium containing catalyst - selenocysteine. Thus the virus which also encodes for a very similar chemical to GPx3 strips the body of selenium. In HIV this takes a decade and explains AIDS. Ebola can do it in a day.

If you supplement with Se the virus and your immune system both have enough, you don't get sick in fact you don't even get the sniffles and the immune system kills it and you never knew you were sick. That is it acts like the Reston strain from the Philippines that is not harmful. Only the African selenium containing versions are highly pathogenic. This has to be what keeps the Baku people in Gabon alive.

We found this out because there's a tribe in Gabon, the Baku, that have a natural immunity to the disease because they live in the coastal forest and eat Gabon nuts, the African equivalent of the Brazil nut and these contain more selenium than any food known. This immunity has been known to science since the fist Ebola outbreak in 1976. By 2007 (Foster) we knew the virus out compete us for selenium which it encodes for and by 2015 we knew serum selenium prevents the virus from being able to penetrate the cellular membrane and bby this mechanism as well, Selenium is the magic bullet against not only Filoviruses such as Ebola and Marburg but all highly pathogenic viruses that have an envelope. (Lipinski 2015).

One Brazil nut a day will prevent Ebola. Two will cure it.

the practical upper limit for Seleniun is about 600mcg per day (200 mcg 3x a day) per Abram Hoffer. Twice as much or more may be required in case of illness, the more severe, the more the amount.


Niacin, B6, C, Zn - Hoffer

The number of brain illnesses not cured by appropriate doses of substances already in the body are near zero. (Pauling, Hoffer, Horrobin, Foster). The deficiency diseases of the brain can be thought of as brain scurvy. Even C scurvy alone accounts for 20% of the admissions to London Hospital for Schizophrenia. (Horrobin 1983)

"Abandoned and foreboding, this asylum is the product of an age when fear and stigma guided our “care” of the mentally ill . Opened in 1848, electric shock treatment, introduced there in 1941, was among the options tried before a lobotomy. The treatments used would surely have only made the vulnerable still more distressed. Highly toxic mercury was used on those deemed hysterical and a chemical cosh of antimony, now used in fire retardants, kept patients feeling sick so they were less prone to violence." - Wales Today.



These rage from mild viruses that give us a cold, to more dangerous ones like SARS and 2019-nCoV (Now:COVID-19) that have around a 4% lethality rate all the way to MERS that, like Marburg, has a 50% lethality rate. In February 2020 COVIC-19 had already killed more people than SARS.

For accounts on disease and how they affected history, see:
Viruses plagues and History