Besides the fact some of the points are flat out wrong, the majority seem to be on the order of "it's easier for us to part with our money and we get less for it!". Yay! Uh, wait, WTF?
Hon, the reason those restaurant portions are so big is they're for two. Order an extra plate or take it home. Economy of scale and all that. And the reason food comes in such large containers at the store? Again, economy of scale and less trips to the store. And we do have unit pricing everywhere food is sold. We invented this, and food labelling laws. Try finding out what's in your hot dogs in the US, they won't tell you they don't have to; here it's the law. You can always derive unit pricing (we do it in our heads, what's wrong with you people?) but you can't derive an ingredient list.
As friendly rival Commonwealth countries with the two most stable economies in the world there's bout to be some competition. Here's some more of it.