Business App

Picture a subset of a javescript like language oreinted for Business and smore basic like that used hardware memory bank swutching running numbers virtual instances. On 8085 uses it will run up to eight 3270 compatible terminals from 1-2 8085 CPUS. Later version for X86 was for this multiprocessor, multo disk controller, multi terminal controller 16 slot versaio of th eolder planat boiard. Thick Converx Super micro runnig our progetaty interpee business basdic like langauge.

MOtor control langauge, same tghing buyt for stepprs, servois and sensors.

me likke l;ang and made of wood

Optimization of Human Language for Machine-Like Efficiency: A Case Study in "Optilingua"

Optilingua averages Earth’s linguistic diversity into a compact form, reducing cognitive load. For machines: It’s a lightweight protocol. Expand vocabulary by adding roots as needed, keeping brevity.

UNiversal instruction set

uniwest, microcoe modrn x86