Before the Internet the only serious reference for computer programming was Don Knuths series of books. Post-Internet we have YouTube where the same algorithms are covered, but with folk dance.
Don Knuth recently published the long (very long) awaited volume 4 of The Art of Computer Programming,
the seminal work of computer science. Never mind he published 1, 2 and 3, then 10 years later 7, of an
8 volume series it's been 20 years and now volume 4 (a) has shown up.
But this is continuing a paradigm that was prevalent at the time he began these books and if
they were to be done today, in the Internet era, they would, as Chris Locke suggests, be written as a series of LoLcat demotivational posters.
But were not there yet, but I do present to you, via the good grace of YouTube, contemporary sort algorithms expressed as interpretive European folk dance.