2019 nCoV; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2;

In December of 2019 a unique Coronavirus emerged and was dubbed "Novel Coronavirus 2019" or "2019 nCoV" for short until it was completely identified. When it was finally named the virus was called "SARS-CoV-2" and the disease it causes: "COVID-19".

Mutation charts at NesxtStrain

 US political mudslinging fight: full of lies  Bill Gates: The Catholic religion may have to be suspended forever
 For the first time there has been no school shooting in March since 2002  Miami went 6 weeks without a murder for the first time since 1957  Some vaccine recipients face hurdles from dress code policing

Stupid things people have said

There's a lot of absolute nonsense written about this disease. Some don't think viruses exist, others so but think they're cause by smartphones they can't afford. Some of the even more bizarre ones are listed here.

 First cases appeared in March, identified in December.
 The disease took off in 2020  It's worse in 2021.

A journal of the plague year.

The virus SARS-CoV-2 (at the time unidentified) was first detected in Spain in March 2019, then cases appeared in Italy the following September, and later in France by November. Shortly after that, showed up in China. The virus was finally identified in December of 2019 by the Chinese, hence the name "COVID-19" and not "COVID-20"

We knew in the 1940s intravenous ascorbate cured 60 our of 60 cases of polio. But it needs further study.

We knew in 2017 that ascorbate could raise ICU sepsis survival rate from 50% to 100%. But it needs further study.

We knew by the spring of 2020 that intravenous ascorbate works from 98% to 100% of the time fighting covid-19. But it needs more study.

The only study that will make the patent medicine industry be enthusiastic about this stuff is if they find a way to make it more profitable than vaccines.

In low doses, ascorbate is a vitamin. It is secreted by the adrenals, so technically it's a hormone. The human body lost the ability to make it a very long time ago and it's what runs out when you die of flu or covid or Ebola or polio. It doesn't matter whether you call this sepsis of oxidative stress, it's the same thing, oxidation occurs at a rate faster than the body can neutralize it with antioxidants. This is fatal every time. The ony thing that will work is to put it back, and lots of it, quickly. No other drug or vaccine will do any good here.

Please note that China got over this virus 8 months ago will only 4000 deaths and without a vaccine because of this. What we are doing is nowhere near a good, more expensive, and riskier. The EU has suggested poeple over 65 not get the vaccine, it's not safe enough. The US FDA said that currently there is not enough research to guarantee the vaccine’s safety for immunocompromized groups, pregnant women and children. Ascorbate is in the body already and there are zero side effects. Plus it's way cheaper and much more available.

Even care workers are reluctance to accept this experimental vaccine according to a Yale University study.

2020 Roy: "The CDC reported that only 63% of Health Care Workers polled over several months would get a Covid-19 vaccine" https://catalyst.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/CAT.20.0676

2020 Singh: "Such abbreviated regulatory pathways and fast-tracked deployments, which are still widely regarded as experimental interventions, in the context of a public health emergency of international concern, are unprecedented." https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/laninf/PIIS1473-3099(20)30923-3.pdf

Ahead of the FDA’s Thursday meeting on the nRNA Pfizer vaccine, the administration announced Tuesday that two trial participants had died after receiving it; the FDA said that currently there is not enough research to guarantee the vaccine’s safety for immunocompromized groups, pregnant women and children. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/two-individuals-die-from-pfizer-vaccine-651488

Further References:

"Klenner's paper (Klenner FR. The treatment of poliomyelitis and other virus diseases with vitamin C. J. South. Med. and Surg., 111:210-214, 1949.) on curing 60 cases of polio in the epidemic of 1948 should have changed the way infectious diseases were treated but it did not." - Robert Cathcart

"Chemotherapy, though still primordial, must eventually provide the ultimate solution to vaccine failures." Hilleman, MR - Realities and enigmas of human viral influenza: pathogenesis, epidemiology and control. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12163258

Smithsonian 2018: 7500% improvement in survival rates of sepsis with Marik's protocol https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/could-deadly-infections-be-cured-vitamin-c-180963843/

Marik 2020: COVID-19 Marik Management Protocol (MATH+) https://www.evms.edu/media/evms_public/departments/internal_medicine/EVMS_Critical_Care_COVID-19_Protocol.pdf

MATH+ Protocol: High Dose Intravenous Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) - A Treatment Strategy Directed at Suppressing Hyper-Inflammation to Reduce the Need for Ventilators & Save Lives https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocol/

MATH+ Statistics: Dr. Joseph Varon has worked 270 consecutive days and counting. He and his team use the MATH+ protocol, and see 95% of their Covid-19 patients survive. http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n55.shtml

Which part of "not one mortality" seems unclear?

Shanghai: "All patients who received intravenous vitamin C improved, and there was not one mortality" http://www.drwlc.com/blog/2020/03/18/hospital-treatment-of-serious-and-critical-covid-19-infection-with-high-dose-vitamin-c/

Madison: The University of Wisconsin in Madison has included intravenous Vitamin C as part of its treatment guideline. https://www.worldhealth.net/news/3-us-hospitals-use-ivs-vitamin-c-other-low-cost-readily-available-drugs/

When the World Health Organization (WHO) included vitamin C in its list of COVID-19 research priorities, Toronto's Sunnybrook's LOVIT trial aims to find out if intravenous vitamin C help critically ill COVID-19 patients. https://sunnybrook.ca/research/media/item.asp?c=2&i=2098&f=covid-19-LOVIT-trial

February 2020, in China:

Yesterday, we shipped 50 tons of immunity boosting Ascorbate from our DSM Jiangshan plant to the Province of Hubei, of which Wuhan is the capital city. The banner text on the truck reads: “In the fight against N-CoV the people of DSM Jiangshan and Wuhan are heart to heart” https://twitter.com/DSM/status/1224262885729349633

^^ This

is how you fight disease. Vaccines are not as effective as they'd like to you believe and two million people have died waiting for them. We could have wiped this disease out a year ago it it was profitable enough for western industry to have done so.