Have you noticed that the only time hear negative things about electric vehicles, it's always from people that actually don't own one?

"EVs cost too much to buy".

They're essentially free to operate though. Besides, at a point when fuel cost too much to afford, EV's will be cheap by then - economy of scale kicks in. Solar panels were pretty expensive 20 years ago ($10 per watt) now they're less than $1/watt.

"But they pollute one time when they're made and one time when they're recycled and come from child labor"

So the answer is to use $20 a gallon fossil fiel and pollute every time you torn it on? No. No it isn't.

If you posted this false propaganda on a computer or phone, you're using lithium. If you're so concerned why don't you boycott lithium and use an oil burning computer?

If you think no children have died because of fossil fuels and petrowars, guess again. Millions have in the last Century.

Fossil fuels pollute every time they are used. According to a BBC article that quotes the World Health Organization, this klls over seven million people annually from the pollution the burning of fossil fuels generates, a number that rises every year.

Fossil fuels are and being going away replaced by EV's. Nothing anybody believes or says will change this.

BBC2014: Air pollution linked to seven million deaths globally per year

BBC2018: Air pollution: Half a million early deaths in Europe despite progress

BBC2019: Tracking the toxic air that's killing millions

BBC2020: EU says one in eight deaths is linked to pollution