MODULE: char *VRx_Capitalize (char *str)
FUNCTION: Return a pointer to an upper case version of str
INPUTS: null terminated string
OUTPUTS: pointer to upper case string
OPERATION: calls toupper

Breaks down a url into pieces:

VRx_e_protocol = http
VRx_e_full     =
VRx_e_dirpath  =        
VRx_e_fqdn     =
VRx_e_fqdnpath = com/example
VRx_e_docroot  = /www/com/example
VRx_e_filepath = path1/path2/path3/file.ext      
VRx_e_path     = /path1/path2/path3              
VRx_e_dir      = path3                           
VRx_e_filename = file.ext
VRx_e_file     = file
VRx_e_ext      = ext
VRx_e_script   = script name

2) /f1/home/sexton/www/home.html

VRx_i_full     = /www/net/killi/images/b/BIV/image29t.jpg
VRx_i_path     = /www/net/killi/images/b/BIV               
VRx_i_dir      = BIV
VRx_i_dirpath  = /b/BIV
VRx_i_filename = image29t.jpg
VRx_i_file     = image29t
VRx_i_basename = image29
VRx_i-sizechar = t
VRx_i_ext      = jpg
VRx_i_typ      = 0    

MODULE: VRx_PrintFile (char *filespec)
FUNCTION: Print specified file on stdout
INPUTS: filepath of the file top print
OUTPUTS: The file is printed on stdout, or else an error message is displayed.
OPERATION: file is opened and mapped to memory, then printed from there. returns 0 if ok, 1 if file does not exist.

MODULE: VRx_PrintFileQuiet (char *filespec)
FUNCTION: Print specified file on stdout
INPUTS: filepath of the file top print
OUTPUTS: The file is printed on stdout, or else an error message is displayed.
OPERATION: file is opened and mapped to memory, then printed from there. returns 0 if ok, 1 if file does not exist.

MODULE: VRx_UnCapitalize (char *str)
FUNCTION: Return ptr to a lower case version of str
INPUTS: null terminated stirng
OUTPUTS: pointer to lower case string
OPERATION: calls tolower

#define CGIVAR(VRBL)  int L_ ## VRBL; char VRBL[SX] ;


#define RGBAMENU(NOM) {display_tface_color(#NOM, NOM, A_##NOM);}