Why Vitamin C Should be Used Instead of Chloroquine

It's pretty simple biology. This virus, unlike flu, causes red blood cells (RBC) to leak their red haemoglobin into the bloodstream.

This impedes oxygen transfer. Heme is supposed to only be in the RBC.

This is why covid-19, unlike flu, turns patients faces blue and has them coughing up pink frothy stuff. You'll see this with high altitude sickness, carbon monoxide poisoning and cyanide poisoning, never with flu.

The epithelial lining is the innermost lining of cells inside the lungs. There's vitamin c there and that is supposed to neutralize any heme that gets there that would interferes with O2 transport. Covid-19 overwhelms the epithelium lining by leechng more heme that the C that is in the epithelial lining can neutralize.

Chloriquotes mop up heme as well. But have terrible, permanent and horrific side effects (blindness,heart damage, psychosis and 100 others). This sequestering of spilled heme is one of vitamin C's 1000 functions in the body and the answer when thre is not enough C is to add more C and not give up on how the body works to use a dangerous expense synthetic instead!

Chloroquines have hundreds of side effects from heart damage, blindness, suicide and so on. vitamin C is literally safer than water:. 11 litres of water will kill you by diluting your serum sodium such that your heart can no longer beat. Cancer patients have taken 100 pounds of IV C a week by IV with only positive therapeutic effects.

Marik in Virginia (2017) and Chen, Mao et. al. in China (2020) have proved in every case IVC is an absolute cure for covid-19. Every person they gave it to, lived. It's easy to see why, in that it makes the epithelial lining in the lungs be able to keep up with the damage covid-19 causes. Trials of chloroquines are not great. They do not work in evry case, some even delayed healing; when the body needs C chloroquine is no substitute.

Even if chloroquines didn't have a myriad of horrific side effects they'd still be the wrong thing to use as this stuff has no other use in the body, whereas C is used in cellular repair, immune function and as an antiviral in addition to epithelial support. All energy in the body is made in the citric acid cycle and C is one of three raw materials to this that we have to eat and can not make; citric acid and niacin are the other two. The more you have of these three the better and they are all depicted badly by illness,which is why "fatigue" is common to nearly all disease states.

That's why C is the only thing to use for this disease and need to be taken in large and frequent amounts. It's gone from body in 15 mins which is why IV works best. Liposomal C is the next best form and 10X more potent than crystals, which need to be taken every 15 mins in extremely bad cases.


Heme; ignore the chloroquine nonsense

2020 Lui-Lu: COVID-19: Attacks the1-Beta Chain of Hemoglobin and Captures the Porphyrin to Inhibit Human Heme Metabolism

020 Loh: COVID-19, ARDS & cell free hemoglobin - the ascorbic acid connection

2017 Marik: Vitamin C for the treatment of sepsis: The scientific rationale

2017 Pulmccm: Could vitamin C save lives in sepsis? These hospitals aren’t waiting for proof.

2020 Cheng: Can early and high intravenous dose of vitamin C prevent and treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?

2020 Cheng Blog: "All patients who received intravenous vitamin C improved, and there was not one mortality"

2020 Shanghai: "Vitamin C is administered at a dose of 50 to 100 mg / kg per day, and the continuous use time is aimed at a significant improvement in the oxygenation index. To stop cytokine storms large doses of vitamin C are administered intravenously at a dose of 100 to 200 mg / kg daily."